EASA requires Air Operator to do an assessment of flight crew members and its behavior traits
The Everything DiSC® Workplace Profile provides participants with valuable insights that unlock engagement and inspire effective collaboration. In this personalized workplace profile, participants will explore the priorities that drive their behavior. They learn what comes naturally to them and what might be challenging when interacting with others, and gain actionable strategies to strengthen their interpersonal interactions at all levels in the workplace.
The profile comes to life virtual with the system called Catalyst® from Wiley. A mobile-friendly, interactive learning portal that gives participants unlimited access to on-demand insights about DiSC® and strategies for applying DiSC® to real work situations. Participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of their personalized profile and a memorable experience that inspires lasting behavior change. During a one to one Zoom Call with Fly Exclusive´s qualified Everything DISC® Instructor participants get the chance to ask their questions and the DiSC® Workplace Profile will be verified.
Extend the learning experience with Catalyst®! Inspire effective collaboration with Comparison Reports. Any two participants can explore their similarities and differences, potential challenges in working together, and practical tips for improving their working relationship. With no limit to the number of participants included, this report gives you an at-a-glance view of a group of participants and their individual Everything DiSC® maps. Determine the group’s DiSC® culture by exploring its advantages and disadvantages, impact on group members and influence on decision-making and risk-taking.
First Step: After booking your Disc® Workplace profile, you will receive a separate email with your access data. After completing the online everything disc workplace questionnaire, you will receive your result immediately.
In the second step, use the link sent in the email to plan a follow-up call. in this follow up call with our qualified Everything DISC® Instructor you will have the opportunity to ask questions related to your everything disc workplace profile and your results will be verified.